
标题: 求救,04款路虎发现3遥控器无效,请问谁知道匹配步骤 [打印本页]

作者: ★汽车狂★    时间: 2010-5-29 21:34
标题: 求救,04款路虎发现3遥控器无效,请问谁知道匹配步骤
路虎, 中英文, 遥控器, 览胜
1、Ensure the vehicle is unlocked and the driver and front passenger doors are closed.

1、 确认车辆处于开锁的状态,两前车门处于关闭状态。

2、Install a key/remote handset in the ignition switch, then turn the ignition switch to position I and back to position 0 in less than 5 seconds to put the GEM (generic electronic module) into the initialization mode. Continue the procedure within 30 seconds of turning the ignition switch to position 0.

2、将钥匙插入点火开关钥匙孔,打到一档,五秒内回到0档 进入匹配模式 接下来的程序在30秒内完成

3、Remove the key/remote handset from the ignition switch.


4、Press and hold the unlock button for a maximum of 15 seconds. During this time, momentarily press the lock button three times within 10 seconds.

4、按住开锁键,在15秒钟之内 此时在10秒内间歇性按下锁锁键三次

5、Release both buttons.

作者: sp400500    时间: 2011-1-27 12:38

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